I recently had to install an SSL certificate on a couple of load balancers in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The certificate was a RapidSSL wildcard certificate. To create the certificate, I needed to first generate a Certificate Signing Request. The request result was the content of a pem file (the private key that needs to be kept secret), and the request itself. Once I had entered that request on the purchase site and had been authorized to create certificates for my domain, I was send a file package with three files in it:

  • ServerCertificate.cer
  • CACertificate-1.cer
  • CACertificate-2.cer

Now I wanted to add the SSL certificate to AWS, but I got confused about what to enter where in the AWS Console. The dialog to add a certificate looks like this:

The dialog for adding an SSL certificate
The dialog for adding an SSL certificate

First, copy the content of the pem file into the Private Key field:

...A bunch of encoded information...

Then copy the content of the ServerCertificate.cer file into the Public Key Certificate field:

...A bunch of encoded information...

Finally, copy the content of the CACertificate-1.cer and CACertificate-2.cer files—in that order—into the Certificate Chain field:

...A bunch of encoded information from CACertificate-1.cer...
...A bunch of encoded information from CACertificate-2.cer...

And that is it! Save, apply, and you are good to go.

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