I am currently doing some Web scraping and I wanted to take the approach of using AWS Lambda to run my Node.js scraper code. Normally using cheerio to parse a given Web page is sufficient, but this approach does not work for single page applications; you need to use a headless browser since JavaScript needs to execute to construct the page. I decided to use the Horseman npm package for this purpose, which requires that you include the PhantomJS binary file in some way. The PhantomJS README file suggests using the phantomjs-prebuilt package, an approach that worked locally but failed when I deployed my Lambda. The binary file used needs to be compatible with the AWS Lambda servers and this was not the case. This post details how I resolved the issue.

Getting the PhantomJS binary

I first downloaded and unzipped a prebuilt phantomjs package from this bitbucket repo. You need a suitable Linux x86 64 bit package; the latest stable release at the time of writing was phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2. The file in the unzipped package that you require is the bin/phantomjs file; I copied this to a bin directory in the root of my Lambda directory; you can basically put this file where you like in your Lambda directory.

Including PhantomJS in the Lambda package

I use Serverless to deploy Lambdas, and Webpack to build them. I needed to get the binary file included in the zipped Lambda file and I needed it to have execute permissions. I installed three npm packages to do this, all as dev dependencies: on-build-webpack, copy-webpack-plugin, and chmod. I then altered my webpack build file so the plugin section looked like this:

// necessary imports at the top of this build file
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const WebpackOnBuildPlugin = require('on-build-webpack');
const chmod = require('chmod');


   plugins: [
       new CopyWebpackPlugin([
           { from: './bin/phantomjs' }
       new WebpackOnBuildPlugin(() => {
           chmod('.webpack/phantomjs', 777);

Note: .webpack is the intermediary directory that webpack uses when building the Lambda.

The copy-webpack-plugin is configured here to copy the phantomjs file into the root directory of the Lambda. In the Lambda handler that uses it, the node-horseman package needs to be told where that file is:

const PHANTOMJS_BIN_PATH = path.resolve(
const horseman = new Horseman({ phantomPath: PHANTOMJS_BIN_PATH });

LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT is one of the automatically configured Lambda environment variables.

You could check that the created Lambda zip file contains the PhantomJS binary file and that it has the correct permissions; they should be -rwxrwxrwx.


Because of the presence of the phantomjs binary file, your zipped Lambda file will be quite large (~20 MB). If you are on a bad connection, you will want to increase the AWS CLI timeout. This can be done with serverless by executing the following deploy command:

AWS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=900000 sls deploy

You should now be able to run Horseman in AWS Lambda.

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